नमस्कार हमारी वेबसाइट पर आपका स्वागत है। इस पोस्ट में हम आपको कुछ Class 10 English Abhiley Question Answer के बारे में बताए गए। ये सभी प्रश्न हर बार परीक्षा में जरूर आते है तो इन सब प्रश्नो को एक बार जरूर पद ले…
Class 10 English Abhiley Question Answer
What is the central theme of the story “Abhiley”?
(Answer: The theme revolves around ignorance, simplicity, and maternal love.)
Why was Abhiley worried about her son Karma?
(Answer: Abhiley was worried because Karma had gone to the city and she believed he wouldn’t survive the harsh weather conditions without proper warm clothing.)
How does Abhiley’s ignorance reflect the culture and beliefs of her community?
(Answer: Abhiley’s ignorance shows her lack of education and her reliance on traditional beliefs, which are shaped by her isolated rural life.)
What misunderstanding did Abhiley have regarding modern life in the city?
(Answer: Abhiley believed that the city had the same cold climate as her village and that her son Karma would suffer without traditional clothing like a woolen blanket.)
How did the villagers react to Abhiley’s concern for Karma?
(Answer: The villagers laughed at Abhiley’s worries, finding them baseless and outdated.)
What does the character of Abhiley symbolize in the story?
(Answer: Abhiley symbolizes simplicity, motherly care, and the innocence of rural life in contrast to the modern world.)
What action did Abhiley take to ensure Karma’s safety, and what does it signify?
(Answer: Abhiley insisted on sending warm clothes to Karma, signifying her deep love and protective instincts for her son, despite not understanding modern realities.)
What role does Karma play in the story, and how is his lifestyle different from Abhiley’s?
(Answer: Karma represents the younger generation who have moved to cities for better opportunities, leaving behind the simple, traditional lifestyle that Abhiley clings to.)
What does Abhiley’s belief about Karma needing warm clothes tell us about her knowledge of the world beyond her village?
(Answer: It shows that Abhiley has limited exposure to the outside world and lacks understanding of modern conveniences, such as heating and proper city housing.)
How does the story “Abhiley” depict the generational gap between Abhiley and her son?
(Answer: The story highlights the generational gap in terms of knowledge, beliefs, and lifestyle. While Abhiley adheres to traditional ways, her son Karma is part of a more modern and urban world.)
Class 10 English Abhiley One Word Question Answers
Q: Who is the protagonist of the story “Abhiley”?
A: Abhiley
Q: Who is Abhiley’s son in the story?
A: Karma
Q: What did Abhiley want to send to Karma?
A: Clothes
Q: Where did Karma go that worried Abhiley?
A: City
Q: What was Abhiley concerned about regarding Karma’s safety?
A: Cold
Q: How did the villagers react to Abhiley’s concern?
A: Laughed
Q: What does Abhiley represent in the story?
A: Simplicity
Q: What generation does Karma represent?
A: Modern
Q: What kind of life does Abhiley lead?
A: Rural
Q: What emotion drives Abhiley’s actions in the story?
A: Love
Class 10 English Abhiley Fill In The Blank
Abhiley was concerned about her son __________.
(Answer: Karma)
Abhiley believed that her son would suffer from the __________ in the city.
(Answer: cold)
Karma had gone to the __________ for work or education.
(Answer: city)
Abhiley wanted to send __________ to Karma to protect him from the cold.
(Answer: warm clothes)
The villagers __________ at Abhiley’s concern for Karma.
(Answer: laughed)
Abhiley symbolizes the __________ and simplicity of rural life.
(Answer: ignorance)
The story highlights the __________ gap between Abhiley and Karma.
(Answer: generational)
Abhiley’s belief about the weather in the city shows her lack of __________ about modern life.
(Answer: knowledge)
The villagers found Abhiley’s worries to be __________ and outdated.
(Answer: baseless)
Abhiley’s deep love and __________ for her son drove her actions in the story.
(Answer: concern)
Class 10 English Abhiley Multiple choice Questions
Who is the main character in the story “Abhiley”?
a) Karma
b) The villagers
c) Abhiley
d) Karma’s father
(Answer: c) Abhiley
Why was Abhiley worried about her son Karma?
a) He was sick
b) He was not sending letters
c) She thought he would suffer from the cold
d) He lost his job
(Answer: c) She thought he would suffer from the cold
Where had Karma gone that caused Abhiley concern?
a) Another village
b) The city
c) The mountains
d) A foreign country
(Answer: b) The city
What did Abhiley want to send to Karma?
a) Food
b) Money
c) Warm clothes
d) A letter
(Answer: c) Warm clothes
How did the villagers react to Abhiley’s concern?
a) They supported her
b) They ignored her
c) They laughed at her
d) They sent Karma a letter
(Answer: c) They laughed at her
What does Abhiley’s concern for Karma reflect about her character?
a) Ignorance
b) Wisdom
c) Wealth
d) Modernity
(Answer: a) Ignorance
What type of life does Abhiley lead?
a) Urban
b) Modern
c) Simple and rural
d) Rich and luxurious
(Answer: c) Simple and rural
What does Karma represent in the story?
a) Old traditions
b) Rural lifestyle
c) Modern generation
d) Ignorance
(Answer: c) Modern generation
What emotion drives Abhiley’s actions throughout the story?
a) Jealousy
b) Anger
c) Maternal love
d) Pride
(Answer: c) Maternal love
What does the story “Abhiley” primarily explore?
a) Generational conflict
b) Ambition
c) Friendship
d) Social status
(Answer: a) Generational conflict
Also Read: Class 10 English The Necklace Question Answer: Important Chapter
दोस्तों, आपको यह Class 10 English Abhiley Question Answer पोस्ट कैसी लगी, कृपया हमें कमेंट सेक्शन में बताएं और अगर आपके कोई सवाल हैं, तो बेझिझक हमसे कमेंट बॉक्स में पूछें। अगर आपको यह पोस्ट उपयोगी लगी हो तो कृपया इसे दूसरों के साथ शेयर करें और hindihelphub बुकमार्क करे।