नमस्कार साथियों क्या आप जानना चाहते है Class 10 English Fire and Ice Question Answer के बारे में? दोस्तों आपका स्वागत है इस लेख में, हम आपको Fire and Ice के सभी Important Questions 2024 के बारे में सब बताएंगे।
दोस्तों इस लेख में बताये गए सभी जरुरी प्रश्न हमने 2021, 2022 और 2023 के Class 10 English Question Papers से इकठे किए है। दोस्तों ये सभी प्रश् बोहोत महत्वपूर्ण है।
जैसा कि आप जानते हैं English एक बहुत ही दिमाग लगाने वाला subject है, तो इस लेख में हमने Class 10 English Fire and Ice Question Answer साझा किये है।
जो कि आपको पढ़ने में मदत करेंगे अगर आप इस लेख में बताए हुए इन Important Questions को एक बार रट लेंगे तो आप समझ लो आप का 60% syllabus cover हो गया, तो दोस्तों Class 10 English Fire and Ice Question Answer की पूरी सूची पढ़ने के लिए इस लेख को अंत तक जरूर पढ़ें ।
Class 10 English Fire and Ice Question Answer
Board | CBSE Board, UP Board, JAC Board, Bihar Board, HBSE Board, UBSE Board, PSEB Board, RBSE Board, JK Board |
Textbook | NCERT |
Class | Class 10 |
Subject | English |
Chapter | Fire and Ice |
Post Type | Important Question in Hindi |
Category | Class 10 English Fire and Ice Question Answer |
Medium | Hindi/English |
Class 10 English Fire and Ice Important Question
Q1: What are the two elements that the poet suggests could destroy the world?
Q2: Which element does the poet believe is more likely to destroy the world?
Q3: What do the two elements symbolize in the poem?
Q4: How does the poet use contrast to emphasize the destructive nature of fire and ice?
Q5: What is the significance of the repetition of the line “Some say the world will end in fire” in the poem?
Q6: How does the poem’s rhyme scheme contribute to its overall meaning?
Q7: What do you think the poet means by the line “Enough hate in the world”?
Q8: How does the poem relate to the idea of human nature?
Q9: In what ways can the poem be seen as a warning about the dangers of unchecked emotions?
Q10: How does the poem’s ambiguity contribute to its enduring appeal?
Class 10 English Fire and Ice One Word Question Answers
Q1. What are the two elements that the poet suggests could destroy the world?
Answer: Fire, Ice
Q2. Which element does the poet believe is more likely to destroy the world?
Answer: Desire
Q3. What do the two elements symbolize in the poem?
Answer: Passion, Indifference
Q4. How does the poet use contrast to emphasize the destructive nature of fire and ice?
Answer: Antithesis
Q5. What is the significance of the repetition of the line “Some say the world will end in fire” in the poem?
Answer: Emphasis
Q6. How does the poem’s rhyme scheme contribute to its overall meaning?
Answer: Rhythm
Q7. What do you think the poet means by the line “Enough hate in the world”?
Answer: Intensity
Q8. How does the poem relate to the idea of human nature?
Answer: Dualism
Q9. In what ways can the poem be seen as a warning about the dangers of unchecked emotions?
Answer: Caution
Q10. How does the poem’s ambiguity contribute to its enduring appeal?
Answer: Relevance
Class 10 English Fire and Ice Fill In The Blanks
Q1. Some say the world will end in _.
Answer: Fire
Q2. Some say the world will end in _.
Answer: Ice
Q3. Enough __ in the world.
Answer: Hate
Q4. _ is a good destroyer.
Answer: Desire
Q5. _ is a bad destroyer.
Answer: Ice
Q6. The poem is written by _.
Answer: Robert Frost
Q7. The poem is about the __ of the world.
Answer: End
Q8. The poem is a __.
Answer: Lyric
Q9. The poem uses __ to emphasize the destructive nature of fire and ice.
Answer: Contrast
Q10. The poem is a __ of human nature.
Answer: Reflection
Class 10 English Fire and Ice Multiple choice Questions
Q1. What are the two elements that the poet suggests could destroy the world?
(a) Water and Earth
(b) Fire and Ice
(c) Wind and Rain
(d) Darkness and Light
Answer: (b) Fire and Ice
Q2. Which element does the poet believe is more likely to destroy the world?
(a) Fire
(b) Ice
(c) Desire
(d) Indifference
Answer: (c) Desire
Q3. What do the two elements symbolize in the poem?
(a) Love and Hate
(b) Life and Death
(c) Passion and Indifference
(d) Hope and Despair
Answer: (c) Passion and Indifference
Q4. How does the poet use contrast to emphasize the destructive nature of fire and ice?
(a) Simile
(b) Metaphor
(c) Antithesis
(d) Personification
Answer: (c) Antithesis
Q5. What is the significance of the repetition of the line “Some say the world will end in fire” in the poem?
(a) Emphasis
(b) Rhyme
(c) Rhythm
(d) Alliteration
Answer: (a) Emphasis
Q6. How does the poem’s rhyme scheme contribute to its overall meaning?
(a) Rhythm
(b) Structure
(c) Tone
(d) Imagery
Answer: (a) Rhythm
Q7. What do you think the poet means by the line “Enough hate in the world”?
(a) Intensity
(b) Quantity
(c) Quality
(d) Duration
Answer: (a) Intensity
Q8. How does the poem relate to the idea of human nature?
(a) Dualism
(b) Monism
(c) Idealism
(d) Realism
Answer: (a) Dualism
Q9. In what ways can the poem be seen as a warning about the dangers of unchecked emotions?
(a) Caution
(b) Fear
(c) Anger
(d) Sadness
Answer: (a) Caution
Q10. How does the poem’s ambiguity contribute to its enduring appeal?
(a) Relevance
(b) Mystery
(c) Complexity
(d) Simplicity
Answer: (a) Relevance
Also Read: Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Question Answer: Important Chapter
उपरोक्त सूची में ज़रूरी प्रश्नों को शामिल किया गया है, जो Class 10 English परीक्षा के लिए महत्वपूर्ण हो सकते हैं। इन प्रश्नों की अच्छी तरह से तैयारी करने से छात्र अपने सिलेबस के एक बड़े हिस्से को कवर कर सकते हैं और परीक्षा में बेहतर प्रदर्शन कर सकते हैं।
दोस्तों, आपको यह Class 10 English Fire and Ice Question Answer पोस्ट कैसी लगी, कृपया हमें कमेंट सेक्शन में बताएं और अगर आपके कोई सवाल हैं, तो बेझिझक हमसे कमेंट बॉक्स में पूछें। अगर आपको यह पोस्ट उपयोगी लगी हो तो कृपया इसे दूसरों के साथ शेयर करें और hindihelphub बुकमार्क करे।