नमस्कार हमारी वेबसाइट पर आपका स्वागत है। इस पोस्ट में हम आपको कुछ Class 10 English First Flight Question Answer के बारे में बताए गए। ये सभी प्रश्न हर बार परीक्षा में जरूर आते है तो इन सब प्रश्नो को एक बार जरूर पद ले…

Class 10 English First Flight Question Answer
Board | CBSE Board, UP Board, JAC Board, Bihar Board, HBSE Board, UBSE Board, PSEB Board, RBSE Board, JK Board |
Textbook | NCERT |
Class | Class 10 |
Subject | English |
Chapter | First Flight |
Post Type | Important Question in Hindi |
Category | Class 10 English First Flight Question Answer |
Medium | Hindi/English |
First Flight Class 10 Questions and Answers
“दर्ज़ी का काम” कहानी में दर्ज़ी का चरित्र कैसा है?
(What is the character of the tailor in the story “The Tailor’s Work”?)
“पानी की कहानी” में जल की महत्ता के बारे में लेखक ने क्या बताया है?
(What does the author say about the importance of water in “The Story of Water”?)
“मिदास की बहन” के पात्रों के बीच संबंधों की व्याख्या कीजिए।
(Explain the relationships between the characters in “King Midas and His Golden Touch”.)
“बच्चे के खेल” में बच्चे किस प्रकार के खेल खेलते हैं?
(What kinds of games do children play in “A Child’s Play”?)
“टॉप्सी और टिम” कहानी में टॉप्सी और टिम के रिश्ते को कैसे दर्शाया गया है?
(How is the relationship between Topsy and Tim portrayed in “Topsy and Tim”?)
“तितली की उड़ान” कहानी में तितली के जीवन के बारे में क्या जानकारी दी गई है?
(What information is given about the butterfly’s life in “The Butterfly’s Flight”?)
“मणि की खोज” में मणि को खोजने का क्या महत्व है?
(What is the significance of finding the gem in “The Search for the Gem”?)
“चाय के प्याले” कहानी में चाय की प्यालों का क्या महत्व है?
(What is the significance of the teacups in “The Teacups”?)
“अन्तरिक्ष यात्रा” में अंतरिक्ष यात्रा के क्या फायदे बताए गए हैं?
(What benefits of space travel are described in “The Space Journey”?)
“सपनों की दुनिया” में सपनों की भूमिका पर चर्चा कीजिए।
(Discuss the role of dreams in “The World of Dreams”.)
“एक अद्भुत सुअर” कहानी में सुअर का अद्भुत गुण क्या है?
(What is the remarkable trait of the pig in “A Remarkable Pig”?)
“युद्ध और शांति” में युद्ध और शांति के बीच अंतर को कैसे दर्शाया गया है?
(How is the difference between war and peace depicted in “War and Peace”?)
“कहानी का अंत” में कहानी के अंत से क्या संदेश मिलता है?
(What message does the ending of the story convey in “The End of the Story”?)
“समुद्र की लहरें” कहानी में समुद्र की लहरों की क्या विशेषता है?
(What is the characteristic of the sea waves in “The Waves of the Sea”?)
“प्रकृति की सुंदरता” में प्रकृति की सुंदरता का वर्णन किस प्रकार किया गया है?
(How is the beauty of nature described in “The Beauty of Nature”?)
First Flight Class 10 One Word Question Answers

Question: Who is the author of “A Letter to God”?
Answer: G.L. Fuentes
Question: What is the name of the protagonist in “The Hundred Dresses”?
Answer: Wanda
Question: In “The Proposal,” who is the main character seeking a marriage proposal?
Answer: Lomov
Question: In “The Tiger King,” what animal does the king hunt?
Answer: Tiger
Question: In “The Ballad of Puran Bhagat,” who is the protagonist?
Answer: Puran
Question: What is the name of the king in “The Letter”?
Answer: The King
Question: What type of tree is described in the poem “A Tiger in the Zoo”?
Answer: Bamboo
Question: Who wrote “The Diary of a Young Girl”?
Answer: Anne Frank
Question: What is the main subject of the poem “A House, A Home”?
Answer: Home
Question: What does the narrator in “The Diary of a Young Girl” refer to as “Kitty”?
Answer: Diary
First Flight Class 10 Fill In The Blank

The story “A Letter to God” is set in __________, a small village in Mexico.
Answer: La Tierra de Dios
In “The Hundred Dresses,” Wanda Petronski is known for wearing the same __________ every day.
Answer: dress
In the play “The Proposal,” the character Lomov suffers from a condition called __________.
Answer: hypochondria
The protagonist in “The Tiger King” is a __________ who wants to hunt a hundred tigers.
Answer: king
In “The Ballad of Puran Bhagat,” Puran is a __________ who renounces his kingdom for a life of penance.
Answer: prince
The main theme of the poem “A House, A Home” is the difference between a __________ and a home.
Answer: house
In “A Tiger in the Zoo,” the tiger’s eyes are described as __________ and __________.
Answer: bright, angry
The poem “The Ballad of Puran Bhagat” is set in __________ India.
Answer: medieval
In “The Diary of a Young Girl,” Anne Frank wrote her diary under the pseudonym __________.
Answer: Kitty
The author of “The Proposal” is __________.
Answer: Anton Chekhov
First Flight Class 10 Multiple choice Questions

In “A Letter to God,” what is the primary concern of the protagonist, Lencho?
a) His family
b) His crops
c) His house
d) His livestock
Answer: b) His crops
In “The Hundred Dresses,” why does Wanda stop coming to school?
a) She moves to a new town
b) She is bullied
c) Her family is poor
d) She is sick
Answer: a) She moves to a new town
What is Lomov’s main problem in the play “The Proposal”?
a) His health
b) His wealth
c) His cattle
d) His marriage proposal
Answer: d) His marriage proposal
In “The Tiger King,” what does the king’s advisor suggest to help him hunt tigers?
a) A new rifle
b) A skilled hunter
c) A tiger trap
d) A tiger skin
Answer: b) A skilled hunter
In “The Ballad of Puran Bhagat,” Puran Bhagat is renowned for his __________.
a) Wealth
b) Wisdom
c) Penance
d) Strength
Answer: c) Penance
What is the main theme of the poem “A House, A Home”?
a) The beauty of nature
b) The concept of home
c) The value of wealth
d) The importance of education
Answer: b) The concept of home
In “A Tiger in the Zoo,” how does the tiger feel about being in captivity?
a) Happy
b) Indifferent
c) Angry
d) Excited
Answer: c) Angry
The protagonist in “The Diary of a Young Girl” is Anne Frank, who lived in __________ during World War II.
a) Germany
b) France
c) The Netherlands
d) Belgium
Answer: c) The Netherlands
In “The Proposal,” who is Natalya Stepanovna?
a) Lomov’s wife
b) Lomov’s sister
c) Chubukov’s daughter
d) Chubukov’s wife
Answer: c) Chubukov’s daughter
In “The Ballad of Puran Bhagat,” what ultimately happens to Puran Bhagat?
a) He regains his kingdom
b) He becomes a king again
c) He remains in exile
d) He returns to his palace
Answer: c) He remains in exile
दोस्तों, आपको यह Class 10 English First Flight Question Answer पोस्ट कैसी लगी, कृपया हमें कमेंट सेक्शन में बताएं और अगर आपके कोई सवाल हैं, तो बेझिझक हमसे कमेंट बॉक्स में पूछें। अगर आपको यह पोस्ट उपयोगी लगी हो तो कृपया इसे दूसरों के साथ शेयर करें और hindihelphub बुकमार्क करे।