IGNOU BA Sociology PDF 2024-2025

नमस्कार हमारी वेबसाइट पर आपका स्वागत है। इस पोस्ट में हम आपको कुछ IGNOU BA Sociology PDF 2024-2025 के बारे में बताए गए। ये सभी प्रश्न हर बार परीक्षा में जरूर आते है तो इन सब प्रश्नो को एक बार जरूर पद ले…

IGNOU BA Sociology PDF: If you’re an IGNOU BA Sociology student, you probably know how valuable study materials are for exams, assignments, and overall understanding. But getting your hands on the right study material can sometimes be tricky, especially if there are delays in receiving hard copies. Don’t worry—we’ve got you covered! This post will guide you on how to download IGNOU BA Sociology study material for free and make the most of it for your academic success.

IGNOU BA Sociology PDF

IGNOU BA Sociology PDF

After completing the registration for the IGNOU BA Sociology program, the university sends the study material directly to the student’s home through Registered Post or Speed Post. This is usually done a few days after admission. The study material is provided in the same language the student chose for their course.

If there is a delay in receiving the study material, students don’t need to worry. They should visit their study center to check about the notes. If the issue still isn’t solved, students can download IGNOU BA Sociology PDF from this website using the link below:

ESO-11 The Study of Society

Block-1Understanding SociologyDownload
Block-2Groups and InstitutionsDownload
Block-3Socialisation and EducationDownload
Block-4Economic ProcessesDownload
Block-5Political ProcessesDownload
Block-6Culture and ReligionDownload
Block-7Social StructureDownload
Block-8Social Control, Change and DevelopmentDownload

ESO-12 Society in India

Block-1Social Structure – Rural and UrbanDownload
Block-2Family Marriage and KinshipDownload
Block-3Economy and PolityDownload
Block-4Social OrganisationDownload
Block-5Caste and ClassDownload
Block-6Tribes in IndiaDownload
Block-7Women and SocietyDownload
Block-8Social ChangeDownload

ESO-13 Sociological Thought

Block-1Early SociologyDownload
Block-2Karl MarxDownload
Block-3Emile DurkheimDownload
Block-4Max WeberDownload
Block-5Comparative AnalysisDownload
Block-6Malinowski and Radcliffe-BrownDownload
Block-7Parson and MertonDownload

ESO-14 Society and Stratification

Block-1Introducing Social StratificationDownload
Block-2Explaining Social StratificationDownload
Block-3Ethnic StratificationDownload
Block-4Gender Differentiation and EthnicityDownload
Block-5Explaining caste in Indian SocietyDownload
Block-6Marginalised Communities and StratificationDownload
Block-7Class in Indian SocietyDownload
Block-8Social MobilityDownload

ESO-15 Society and Religion

Block-1The Study of ReligionDownload
Block-2Perspectives on ReligionDownload
Block-3Religion and Related AspectsDownload
Block-4Religious Pluralism-IDownload
Block-5Religious Pluralism-IIDownload
Block-6Religious Movements: Medieval and ModernDownload
Block-7Social Significance of ReligionDownload

ESO-16 Social Problems in India

Block-1Social FrameworkDownload
Block-2Structure in Transition-IDownload
Block-3Structure in Transition-IIDownload
Block-4Patterns of Deprivation and AlienationDownload
Block-5Identity, Dignity and Social Justice-IDownload
Block-6Identity, Dignity and Social Justice-IIDownload
Block-7Ecology and ResourcesDownload

दोस्तों, आपको यह IGNOU BA Sociology PDF 2024-2025 पोस्ट कैसी लगी, कृपया हमें कमेंट सेक्शन में बताएं और अगर आपके कोई सवाल हैं, तो बेझिझक हमसे कमेंट बॉक्स में पूछें। अगर आपको यह पोस्ट उपयोगी लगी हो तो कृपया इसे दूसरों के साथ शेयर करें और hindihelphub बुकमार्क करे।

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